Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How to get Laid

Modern man has thoughts, just as prehestoric man have. This is inevitable but that doesn't necessarily make it bad or wrong.
Thoughts are neutral, neither good nor bad.
In fact, thoughts are powerful, and everything first comes from thought.
Thoughts are like the primordial building blocks of all that is, and because they are so inherently powerful, they have both the power to CREATE as well as to DESTROY.

Modern man, or rather, mordernising man, does something rather unique.
He/She pays attention to his/her own thoughts.
While thoughts by themselves are the driving force behind every manifestation, the ATTENTION to the thought often causes a kind of conflict, a certain DUALITY to it.

Therefore, to achieve what we want, we need to understand our thoughts, and to come to alignment with them, a kind of.. mutual relationship.

But that begs the question, what do we REALLY want?
Deep down inside, we have a certain yearning that binds us all together, a universal desire, a burning wish.

What do we want?

What we want is joy.
Some might say, but can't we want misery?
That is actually a linguistic loop.
You cannot want misery because, in the first place, the word 'misery' was formed to describe the feeling we get when we don't get what we want.
In other words, if we can somehow want 'misery', then what do we feel when we get it?
The answer is joy.

So basically, due to the fallacical nature of language, we can only truly say that we want JOY.

So what is joy? This seemingly elusive thing that all of us wants.

Before I can say what joy is, let's first see why it is so 'elusive' to us.

The reason why joy is elusive to us is because, Joy is a state, not an emotion.
We don't GET joy, like how we might attain pleasure, we can't GET it, we BECOME it.
In other words, we become joyful, we don't somehow obtain this thing called 'joy'.
To be precise, WE ARE JOY.

And at this point you might think, "wow, this sounds interesting, I might really be on to something here! But, but, but... if I am joy, why am I not feeling it?!"
As mentioned earlier, joy is not an emotion. Joy is a state, and you are Joy.
Joy basically means, that you are in FULL AND COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE of yourself.
I say again, a state of FULL AND COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE of who you are!

And by the way, my friend, this 'full and complete' acceptance, is the stuff that philosphers, theologians, even scientist, have been working to reach SINCE THE BEGINNING OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS.
So don't for a second think that it's what you 'are' now, especially if you've been living the 'modern' life.

That's why, for the sake of sharing what I have practiced so far, I am writing this to hopefully help you to truly find yourself.
With this, maybe you can start the beautiful journey of unlearning and deconditioning all the unnecessary 'stuff' that lingers within you.
And because thoughts are neutral, we shouldn't blame thoughts, but we can learn how to change our way of thinking.


Truthfully, life is simple and beautiful. It is a process, not an object. Right now, I can guarantee you won't be feeling it, otherwise you won't be reading this!
And if you were already joyful, then you would read this and shout HURRAH!
That's the nature of joy, fully expressive and completely genuine.

So to become joyful, we don't have to try to reach anywhere, or to 'obtain' anything, or to 'achieve' something.
Rather it is a deconditioning process.

That means, there are many many many things to 'UNLEARN', and not many many things to 'LEARN'. Comprende??

Ok good quick quick! What are they?!

Excellent, I have summarised what I have learnt so far, through experience, reading, and videos, to a few points.
We need to unlearn these few things:

1. EGO

Yup, that's it, just these 3 things, well at least they are the MAJOR BIG TIME screw ups, which has been passed down from generation to generation. Very sad but, sigh, oh well!

Ok I know you're excited, so let's rush straight in! ROAR!


Remember how I said that Joy is a full and complete acceptance of who you are??

Yup, sounds straightforward, but this is the tricky bit. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!
Who am I? REALLY!!
Am I Glen?!!!
But Glen is just a name, a label, a concept, an idea. I am not Glen, Glen is a pattern. Glen is the sound my brain is making. Glen is me talking to myself.


Congratulations, full and complete acceptance of who YOU are. And you don't know who YOU are, LOL!

Well, good luck because you will never know the answer, you know why?
Because there is no 'answer'. Well, at least not in the sense of how your brain would like to think.

Imagine you were born in a mountain, far from roads and buildings and cars, and there was nobody in the beginning but you, would you even call yourself, for example GLEN?
Would there be a need for a GLEN?

Very good, you have unlearnt your first obstacle, that you are not a CONCEPT.

The EGO, is a reflection, in other words, the EGO is the CONCEPT of ourselves, only because there are others around!
Only because there were other people, and they decided to call me GLEN, that I have grown to call myself GLEN.
I am not GLEN, neither am I ANYTHING ELSE.
Some might say, I am a manager, I am a soccer player, I am smart, I am stupid, I am handsome.
Wait wait wait wait wait, back up back up, none of that is you!!
All of that is a REFLECTION. Whereby other people are the mirror.

And because we have conceptualised ourselves, we have put an imaginary boundary around ourselves and we somehow think that we have to protect it! WAHAHAHAHA!
Because the EGO views everything as a threat, LOLOLOL!!!
We end up validating, qualifying, justifying, projecting, proving to others, suppressing our true feelings, and all that kind of bullshit ALL BECAUSE I THINK I AM GLEN.

And not just people do this, countries do this as well!
The earth has no lines seperating lands or oceans, but human beings band together, but an imaginary boundary on the map and call it 'Singapore', and another group band together and calls it 'Malaysia'.
And therefore, we have to FIGHT, we have to PROTECT, protect what?!!?!
And whatever you resist will persist so we just basically fuck ourselves up over and over and not realise it WAHAHAHAH!!!!!

Hurry! Protect the concept! Attack other people with our words and with our guns! Then the concept will survive!

Where is this concept? Where is it? hmmm, so many people have been killed but I don't see this concept, does that mean, the EGO is an illusion? Yup.

Who am I? [breathe in, breathe out]
That's your answer bro/sis.

So the EGO doesn't want to die, but it doesn't realise that the truth cannot die, because the truth is not seperated. In fact, the EGO would rather the body die than it die.

To live, we must die before we die.

Remember, you are not a concept, there is nothing to defend. You are awareness, you are what you see, hear, taste, touch and smell. Therefore, you are everything, as I am everything. We are all connected. Actually we are not connected, we are all ONE. You don't have to connect one with one because that makes it two.


The next great illusion is time. Past and Future.

Here's a challenge, For the next 30 seconds, I want you to try to not be in the NOW.
Ready? GO!

Hi! Have you succeded in being 10 yrs ago? or 20 yrs later?

Because you are and always will be in the NOW.
There is and only will be the NOW.

There is no future, there is no past!
Future = anxiety
Past = regret
Now = Now = Now = any of the 5 million billion emotions but still = Now

So because we are disillusioned by time, we seem to think that the world is deterministic, and that there is cause and effect.

Imagine a boat on the water, and as it traverse the oceans it leaves behind it a wake.
Question: Does the wake cause the boat? Does the past cause the present?

In reality, there are no seperate events, you don't say "the head of the snake caused the tail of the snake", because there is only one snake!

That's reality, it transcends words and seperation, when we divide things up, that's our problem, it's still ONE.
But if we divide things up and then say, A caused B, or B caused C, then we will become disillusioned.
There is no A B C, we made it up. There is only ONE, just as there is only NOW.

When you become fully present and aware ONLY of the NOW, you will realise, there are no problems, there might be small challenges, but only NOW.

Congrats, you have unlearnt time.


This one is quite major. Alot of us life our lives as a kind of metaphor, a kind of symbol.

Well, then what is a symbol?

Generally speaking, symbols consist of:
1. Language
2. Mathematics
3. Concepts
4. etc.

You get the rough idea.

Let's start with language, and I will propose a challenge.
Question: How do you move your hands?

You cannot answer the question not because you don't know the answer, you know the answer, but BEYOND SYMBOLS.

What am I trying to show here? I am trying to show you that because our mind only deals in a kind of 'linear thinking', it can only think in terms of symbols, but symbols cannot fully describe reality!

So basically, if you 'think' you know it all, or you 'think' you know who you are, or you 'think' you know the solution to life, basically, you don't anything.

And that's the paradox of spiritual teaching because how do you expect a spiritual teacher, to use WORDS, to show you WORDLESSNESS?
How can he use TIME, to show you TIMELESSNESS?
How can he use FORM, to show you what is FORMLESS?

That's why people who are highly spiritual, usually just sit.
Just sit and breathe. Not 'because' of this, or 'because' of that, or to try to 'obtain' something.
Just sit. Just breathe. Just be.

Now when we try to use symbols to understand reality, what we are truly doing is being further away from reality.

The word tree. What is a tree?
Every 'tree' is different, so when you say tree, which tree?

So you might ask, but if I don't call it a tree, how can I know it? To know it, go sit underneath one, you will know it.
But how? There is no how, you will just know it.

That, my friend, is what is called formlessness. Or emptiness. And form is emptiness, emptiness is form!

Now from here you can see that alot of us live our lifes PURELY by symbols.
A child is taught the symbol 'Tiger' and yet has never seen one, felt one, smelt one etc.
And the child says, "I know what a Tiger is!"

You don't know what a tiger is, you know what the symbol 'tiger' represents. That's it.

So imagine, since school, the billions and trillions of symbols we are taught. And then we grow up thinking we know everything.

Describe the color green. You can't, symbols fail.
Desribe an emotion? You can't, symbols fail.

On a deeper level, you will realise that actually, alot of lifes problems and internal misery are caused by 'nouns', in other words, 'objects'.
Take a fist for example, a fist is a noun, it is a 'thing'.
When I open my hand, what happens to the fist?
It disappears.

You see, in this world there are no things, no nouns.
There is only process, there is only NOW.

Glen is a noun.
I am not a Glen, I am a Glening.
There is no fist, there is only a fisting.

Once you start to see everything as a process, a kind of cycle, you will see just how beautiful LIVING really is.

Also, symbols inherently cause a kind of DUALITY.

When I say Good, there must be a Bad. (SEPERATION)
When I say High, there must be a Low. (SEPERATION)
When I say Smart, there must be a Stupid. (SEPERATION)
When I say God, there must be a SATAN. (SEPERATION)

Love is ONENESS.

That means if i say, "He is a good person." I am actually being hateful because I have caused seperation in the world.
Even if i say "He is a human." That too is seperation.

Does God exist? Yes, but he is not God. Because if he is then there is Hatred.

So how can I experience God without calling him God?
Just sit. [breathe in, breathe out]
There, 'God'.

So you see, the EGO always deals in words and language as well, because it wants to nominalise things, make things and nouns out of everything so that it doesn't feel threatened. It wants security, it wants time to calculate, figures to quantify, words to cast in stone.

So the EGO might say, "I want to become good." But that's still the EGO.

Question: If you have a higher self and a lower self, and you say to yourself, "I want to be the higher self", Who is the one who wants to be the higher self?

Question: How can you get a life, if YOU ARE life?

That's duality, that's schizophrenia, that's suffering.

Can you see how symbols are quite clumsy?


Hopefully, through reading this you have become dumber. You have UNLEARNT Ego, Time & Symbols today. Hopefully, through time, you will come to sit just for sitting, eat just for eating, and to breathe out! Say HOO! LOUDER! SAY HOOO!!!!!

there you are :)

Friday, October 1, 2010


Borders - 31/09/2010 (Sunday)
Keep growing.

Feline Tranquility

City Plaza - 28/09/2010 (Thursday)
We keep finding problems, but not this dude/chick. It's like "I'm going to rub my legs against the rock bench and scratch this long pole. Ok, means chick.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Called, or calling?

Takashimaya - 11/09/2010 (Saturday)
Finesse of techno-lion with red glowing eyes. Jumping. Fast. 我是一个华人!ehyy, 真棒ah!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010


ION Orchad - 29/08/2010 (Sunday)
Anything to do with tiger is sexy, just look at the size difference!

What the Fork?

ION Orchad - 29/08/2010
When you fork something, make sure it is long. Like whose? ah...guai :)

Sexy Spirit

Far East Plaza - 29/08/2010 (Sunday)
Spirits are Sexy. Spiritual Empowerment has gotten me 3 dates and a 17 yr old infatuation in less than 1 week.


Borders - 29/08/2010 (Saturday)
What we like, we also become?

Sanitory or Naughty?

Plaza Singapura - 29/08/2010 (Saturday)
There are many reasons to panic in a toilet. Reminds me of the time when we...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Cat of Deliverance (2)

AMK Hub - 27/08/2010 (Friday)
Somehow or another, I've had strong affinity with lazy(&HAPPY) cats nowdays. This one was tied to the leash, but found freedom within.

iScream Supremacy

AMK Hub - 27/08/2010 (Friday)
Gained profound insight into the understanding of Ice Cream. I like girls.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fatherly Hypnosis

Whompoa Market - 24/08/2010 (Tuesday)
When your father holds his chopsticks the opposite way, it is his love because he is overwhelmed by your presense.

Do you like balls?

Orchad Central - 22/08/2010 (Sunday)
Bought this stress ball for $4.95 from a shop called Funz Centre.

Cat of Deliverance

City Plaza - 23/08/2010 (Monday)
Went for Driving Lessons and saw this happy cat :)